Twin Zs Handmade Treasures Member Spotlight

Twin Zs Handmade Treasures has been a valued member of for years. She makes the most elegant badge holders. For those that have to wear a badge for work know all to well, the holder is important. I purchased one of Twin Zs holders and every day I received a compliment and a "where did you get it"?

These hand crafted badge holders are available in different colors and lengths so you can get just the right one to fit your wardrobe.

Twins Zs creates a lot of different crafts too, not just badge holders.
One the most viewed product on our website is the Travel Napper for children:

The Travel Napper makes riding in the car more comfortable for your little ones. These travel pillows are shaped like kids favorite animals. They go around the back of their necks and will support their heads and keep them from bobbing when they fall asleepl. They are made from soft fleece and stuffed with polyester fiberfill. Shape available; lamb, bunny, pink kitty, blue kitty.

These are just a few of the fantastic creations from Twin Zs Handmade Treasures. Most items include free shipping too!

Click here to view all of Twin Zs Handmade Treasures.

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Annual YMCA Holiday Boutique and Pantry Dec 1-2, 2018 Redlands, CA

Save some of holiday shopping money for this one! For 39 years the Annual YMCA Holiday Boutique and Pantry is a curated market of hand... 2002-2013. Powered by Blogger.