Wine & Baseball Double Play

Hand Painted Baseball Wine Glasses
Red or Blue, Custom Painted Wine Glasses for Baseball Fans - Unique Wine Crafts by Wineslippers Creations

Batter Up - It's Wine Time

Did you know that wine is taking over America? Beer is no longer the king around these parts.

We Americans are so into the grape now, we drinking more wine than France.

More and more people are switching to wine, even while they watch their favorite sports at home. If this sounds like you and your friends, we have the perfect glassware for the big games.

These hand-painted wine glasses are the perfect way to enjoy wine during the game. Grab a few for your World Series parties and for all season long.

Did you hear about her fantastic party with those awesome wine glasses.....

What? You still have beer drinkers in your group? We have them covered too.

Check out these hand-painted beer glasses:

 Hand Painted Beer Glasses and Beer Mugs
 Redneck Wine Glasses by Wineslippers Creations

To the Left:  These Beer Glasses can be custom, hand-painted to suit.

To the Right: And if you just can't keep you drink in your glass, be wine or beer, try one of these new Redneck Wine Glasses, you won't miss a drop!

All of this glassware is custom painted to order, so you can have them personalized. You can get them from Wineslippers Creations

Happy Wine Time and Go Team Go!

Til next time,

Pam Wylie

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